A small group of pilgrims walked a trial Three Altars Way pilgrimage in Easter Week 2024. The ‘Hearts in Search of God’ project was an inspiration to explore the idea that each pilgrimage, no matter what the distance travelled, is in each and every step a prayer.
The route connects the altars of the Martyrs’ Chapel Padley, St Michael the Archangel Church, Hathersage and the remains of Holy Trinity Chapel, North Lees. Churches are places where we gather around the altar. As the General Instruction of the Roman Missal says: “The altar on which the Sacrifice of the Cross is made present under sacramental signs is also the table of the Lord to which the People of God are called together to participate in the Mass, as well as the centre of the thanksgiving that is accomplished through the Eucharist.”
In Easter Week there was a theme at each altar site; of the past apparent destruction, to be followed by the joys of resurrection and new life.
As part of the Three Altar’s Way Fr Sexton celebrated Mass on the site of its altar. One pilgrim was receiving Holy Communion for only the second time after being received into the Church at the Easter Vigil in St Marie’s Cathedral. Fr. Sexton reminded us that what was most important was commemorating each individual’s personal sacrifices to maintain the Catholic faith in the Hope Valley. We were standing on the shoulders of past local ‘giants’ of the faith:
All were remembered and prayed for as ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ in this Year of Prayer 2024, in preparation for the Year of Jubilee 2025.
If you would like to help make Padley Chapel more available to visitors (April-September 2024) please contact, friendsofpadley@hallam-diocese.com
Gerard Bonner
Friends of Padley Chapel
Eastertide 2024
NB This article was first published in the Hallam Bridge, the newsletter of the Diocese of Hallam. It is reproduced here with kind permission of the author.
Copyright Hearts in Search of God - Pilgrim Way Project (England and Wales)
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