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Walking Pilgrimage Ways within the Catholic dioceses of

England & Wales

welcoming people of all faiths and none


“Whoever they may be

— young or old, rich or poor, sick and troubled or curious tourists —

let them find due welcome, because in every person there is a

heart in search of God,

at times without being fully aware of it.”

Pope Francis

address to those engaged in pilgrimage work and rectors of shrines, 21.01.2016

Hearts in Search of God

The aim of this three year project is to promote walking pilgrimage in England & Wales by developing Pilgrim Ways between the cathedral of each Catholic diocese and one or more shrines within the same diocese. The Ways are an opportunity for Catholics and other Christians to deepen their faith, and for people of all faiths and none to share in the experience of walking a pilgrimage in a Catholic context. The hope is that walking pilgrimage will contribute to the common good of our nations through encouraging encounter with others, hospitality, and respect for the environment. 

Phil McCarthy acts as project lead.

He was recently invited to take part on BBC Radio 4's Beyond Belief programme on

'Why We Walk'. 

You can listen below.

Be part of the 2025 Jubilee Pilgrimage of Hope!

Four walking Pilgrim Ways making a Sign of the Cross and converging at Nottingham on the eve of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on 13th September 2025.

Four main Ways, 652 miles walked over a total of 44 days, 8 feeder routes

Diocesan Pilgrim Ways

The Pilgrim Ways start at the cathedral of the diocese and end at a shrine within the diocese. The routes take in the Catholic parish churches along the Way and places of relevant historical interest. They are off-road as much as possible and incorporate existing pilgrim routes and long-distance footpaths.

In most dioceses there is no such route but the Diocese of Leeds has the two day St Wilfrid’s Way and the Diocese of Lancaster has the six day St Mary’s Way. In Southwark there is the Becket Way and the Augustine Camino. In Arundel & Brighton there is an annual ecumenical walking pilgrimage: Pilgrims Live! Nationally there is Pilgrim Cross (formerly Student Cross) to Walsingham in Holy Week. These walks provide models and inspiration for this project. 

The new Pilgrim Ways have been planned and will be walked by Phil McCarthy, the Hearts in Search of God Project Lead, during 2023 and 2024.

Walking directions and background the the Ways are available on this website for the Ways he has walked. There are downloadable GPX files for all the Ways including those still 'under construction'. Feedback about the proposed routes is welcome and as well as corrections and suggestions from pilgrims who have walked the route. All the Ways can be seen on the map in the following section. 

If you walk one of these ways we hope your pilgrimage will be fruitful.

Select a Pilgrim Way on the interactive map below

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